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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Secret Report

Hi Ahmed Adel Here At  ِAlexandria

Sorry To Take Up Your Time Today,
This Secret Could Chance Your Life ...
The Secret Report this is a great way to start off in the internet Marketing
Game,for a first timer,
Most of the stuff out their is No Good These Day's ...
Everybody has a bad start,

Keep Going >>>>>

A lot of people give Marketing up after 3 months,Why?? ill never know ...
You must understand that you have to spend money to make money in this
Game,it's all about Traffic,
There are Great Ways to Get Free Traffic also But You Must Learn The Right
Way's ...

A lot of people are looking to make money on the internet today but they
only go for free stuff,
That's why people like me make Million's on the internet,You Have The Best
Free Gift You Can Get Today,

I personally work with the Best Marketer's in the business these Guy's and
Gal's are asking me for Tip's in their Marketing these day's,Even after them
given me Bad advice when i was starting out few years back,

Not telling me how they done it,so i would'nt have success,like them they
are very greedy People some of The Top Guru's ...
Just Remember You Can Make Money In Your Sleep, What more could You want
think about it you can't do that anywere apart from the internet,

I will show you how to use this Amazing System like i have with plenty of
other people this year ...

This is the Best of the Best to use for marketing with because you can link
this Secret Report up to any website you like,

You will see what i mean after you get the Report ...
There's People using this Amazing System today and making Million's ...

i want to Show You how i do Why??

Because the more You Make The More I make ...
Do not buy anymore junk on the internet and check this Baby out >>>>>

And get a Taste For The Marketing like i did few years Back,
Some of the top marketer's today don't even no about this Secret Report ...

Good Luck ...

Ahmed Adel .

Marketing Strategies: 7 Tips To Becoming A Money Magnet

Did you know that most people block prosperity because of hidden beliefs about money? This article gives you seven tips to create yourself to be a “money magnet”.

Tip 1: Identify your Money Type

According to Deborah Price, author of Money Magic, we all identify with certain money archetypes. For example,when money issues come up, do you bury your head in the sand, like an ostrich? Then most likely your type is called The Innocent. If you’re not The Innocent, you might be The Victim, The Tyrant, The Warrior, The Martyr, The Fool or The Magician.

Tip 2: What was your conditioning about money?

What old beliefs did you receive from your parents, teachers and the society around you about money? Many of my clients report that their old beliefs include:

--“Earning money means punching a time clock”
--“Money is scarce”
--“Money is evil”

Which of these have you struggled with?

Tip 3: What are your updated beliefs about money?

Since nature abhors a vacuum, then after you release your old Beliefs about money, put in some empowered beliefs that cause you to become a money magnet. These beliefs might sound something like this:

--“I am increasingly magnetic to money”
--“My income always exceeds my expenses”
--“I am highly worth of being prosperous”

Tip 4: Create a New Money Type for Yourself

According to “Money Magic”, the ideal type to strive for is the “magician”. Why? Because the “magician” claims his/her own power and manifests his/her own financial reality.

Tip 5: Use the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction simply states that you get what you focus on. So if you focus on the lack of money, the difficulty of paying bills and the fears about whether you can support yourself, then You will receive more of that in return. The solution? Easy, everytime you find yourself focusing on what you don’t want, stop yourself and say, “So, what do I want?”

Tip 6: Tame your Inner Gremlin

Do you have a voice that berates you? Do you find that it’s impossible to please that voice? Then undoubtedly, you are dealing with your Inner Gremlin, also known as the Inner Critic.

It’s busy telling you that you aren’t worthy of having money.

“Who are you to be prosperous?” it will say. It will probably badger you until you turn this voice into an ally who will say, “You deserve an abundance of prosperity.”

Tip 7: Plan your work and work your plan

When you have finally let go of your old beliefs about money, you will find it much easier to create an effective business plan. More importantly, you’ll be much more able to implement that plan and manifest prosperity when you are a money magnet.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Sometimes it's good to have a casual day, you know? For that matter, it doesn't hurt to even take a day off once in a while.

I work really hard at building my business and keeping it in order. Honestly, I almost never take a day entirely off.

But you know what? I don't mind (most of the time) because I love what I do (again, most of the time).

Sure any form of work gets lame at times. That's to be expected.

I just couldn't imagine *choosing* a business that I didn't really like. The world is full of J-O-Bs that are just a total drag. Trust me; I've had lots of em' over the years. But it makes no sense to me at all to invest my money and time building an enterprise unless it's something that I truly, totally, and completely want to do.

Maybe you still have a part-time of full-time job, and are just working your net marketing business on the side for now. If so, I commend you for having the dedication to come home after a full day, fire up the computer, and take care of business.

The BIG question here, is do you like all of this internetmarketing stuff? Are you having any fun with this whole thing?

This might sound silly. But in reality it's one of the most important things you can ask yourself.

Why? Because this business is HARD.

Net marketing is a really lousy way to make quick cash. It just doesn't happen like that. Most people see a profit only after a tremendous amount of hard work and a lot of time and money invested.

But the workload is more than worth it to those of us who love this business.

Naturally I wouldn't sit at my PC for 8 to 10 hours each day if I weren't making a living from this, but I'd probably do it for at least a couple of hours even if I weren't earning a dime. It's wierd I know, but what can I say? I really, really like doing this stuff.

If you don't derive at least some pleasure form the day-to-day activities that are involved in building and running your net marketing business, let me offer you a most profound piece of advice.


I'm serious. There are easier ways to make a buck.

On the other hand if you love this stuff the way I do, you most likey couldn't be dragged kicking and screaming out of this line of work. If so, then kudos to you my friend.

Glad to have ya on board. :o)

Friday, July 27, 2012

2 Step Marketing

Do it Right. I receive postcards all the time. The other day I received a postcard trying to sell me a copy machine. It had tiny, tiny lettering slathered all over the front and a large portion of the back of the card. It was extremely hard to read, so hard in fact that I threw it away. Several days later I received a postcard with 32 words on it telling me that I could get complete information on unrestricted long distance telephone service for 5.5 cents a minute with no additional monthly fee by calling the 800 number on the card. I did call. I got the information, had my questions answered and ordered my long distance service changed. The company who offered me the long distance service was using a time tested 2 step selling process:
  Step 1. Generate a lead - Get me to call their 800 number.

  Step 2. Provide the requested information - Provided to me on the phone by one of their sales representatives, who was able to answer my questions and make me feel confident that I could save quite a bit of money on my long distance bill and that the service would be as good or better.

  What's So Good About 2 Steps? It is much easier to create interest (a lead) than it is to get a person through an entire buying process (a sale).

 You aren't getting the prospect or existing customer to part with any money just yet. You can use postcards to inexpensively promote to your target prospects and customers and generate leads (inquiries about your products and services) to then be followed up on and converted to sales.

 This 2 step process also helps you to create a list of people who were interested enough in what you offered to contact you. You can then recontact the one's who you didn't complete a sale with when they first inquired, preferably until they do buy from you. IMPORTANT: Be sure to get the information you will need to recontact the people who responded to your postcard offering. Repetitive follow-ups with the people who contacted you will result in increased sales. Make it a company policy to follow up with those people who contacted you about your products and services. The Most Effective Use of Postcards: The purpose of your postcard's message is to generate a sufficient level of interest in the mind of your prospect to get him/her to contact you to ask you about your offer. You are generating interest, not collecting their money (not yet anyway). That is what the 2 step marketing process is about. Generating interested prospects and customers who contact you for more information.

 Your message needs 3 parts to be most effective: 1. A clear statement of the biggest benefit of your product or service (in the long distance example, it was cost savings). 2. A good reason for them to contact you NOW. 3. A simple, easy way for them to respond (an 800 number for example). Your message should be short and to the point. Short messages on postcards produce more leads than long ones.

  For example: Call 800-555-1212 for Your Copy of Our Free Report: What 99% of Business Owners Don't Know and Will Never Find Out About Using Postcards to Explode Their Profits Offer ends 5-5-01 (Print a date 3 weeks from your mailing date to create some urgency) Lots of people will respond to find out what they might not know. Don't forget, they responded, which is least some interest in the information you have created a curiosity about. This method works and is sure to produce a large number of inquiries if sent to your proper market. This 2 Step Marketing Process Works. Use the tips you have read here to create your next postcard's message and see what happens. You will generate a bunch of leads from people who are truly interested in your products and services.

Article Marketing

Great new opportunity for website traffic increase.

If you are reading this article probably you already know about the web directories and their great importance in website promoting. Now, I was thinking to take a look together on the great new opportunity for traffic increase. The “articles directory” is a system related to “web directories”, also very easy to implement, but much, much powerful when it comes the part of promoting. Unlike the web directories where you add your website in the proper category and the post some information about it, in the article directory you have the opportunity to add an entire story about it.

So, what’s the trick??
There is no trick, is just a natural, clean and easy way to make your website visible on the internet and search engines. Think about the number of the tags and the rich content of this type of directory. There are thousands of tags and keywords in any category of interests. So, simple searches in a “search engine” will very probably return in the first results an “article directory” because of the rich content and the number of tags found here. So, the “article directory” will be preferred by the search engine robots and his rank will be higher than any other directory or simple website. If your website will be added here, be sure that his rank will rise a lot resulting in higher traffic …all because you are mentioned in a very important website. And this is ABSOLUTELY FREE. So, think again on this great opportunity to promote your website before spending a lot of money on banners or any other type of publicity.